Students will be able to create


Foil Rubbings

Target Grade: 6

Goal (Terminal Objective):

Students will explore the use of a variety of media with appropriate skills.


Students will make a raised surface textural drawing.

National Standards:

Visual Arts Grades Content Standard 1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes

Visual Arts Grades Content Standard 2: Using knowledge of structures and functions

Visual Arts Grades Content Standard 3: Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas

Visual Arts Grades Content Standard 5: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others

Visual Arts Grades Content Standard 6: Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines (Science Cross Curriculum Connection)


Students will be able to identify textures created from textural plates. Students will also be able to identify and create textures from textural rubbings, man­made or natural.

New Vocabulary:

texture, rubbings, repeated pattern


#25-2399 Metallic Acrylic Paint

five squares of heavy duty foil, four squares of light weight cardboard, one tag board or poster board, one black poster board, five Q­Tips, various rubbing plates


1-­2 hours

Introduction and Motivation (Set):

Students explore textures and learn how to create a rubbing that represents various textures.


  1. Teachers should demonstrate how to use a Q­Tip as a tool for texture plates and heavy foil.
  2. Students should lay a piece of the 5”x5” foil over one of the texture plates and then gently rub with a Q­Tip. Continue this until the student is pleased with 4 of their 5 pieces of foil.
  3. Wrap the foil around the 3”x3” cards. Make sure the edges are wrapped securely.
  4. Students glue the 3”x3” cards onto the 6” square
  5. Students paint the 6” square using the Liquid Metallic Paint. They may use more than one color. Applying black in the end will give an antique effect. Students should not allow the paint to dry without lifting off some of the color.
  6. Mount the squares to the black poster board.


(1) Guided Practice:

  1. Students should watch teacher demonstrations of the rubbing technique
  2. Students successfully complete four rubbings.
  3. Students will paint the rubbings with Liquid Metallic Paint and rub off most of the color in the lower areas.
  4. Students glue designs onto a single board creating one large design.

(2)Independent Practice and Check for Understanding: Students should experiment with the rubbings on their extra sheet of foil.

(3) Closure: Students have completed four separate rubbings and mastered the technique of rubbings over a surface creating a design.


Level One — Student has successfully organized 4 rubbings. Clean, precise definitions of the rubbings are showing. Sharp details show because of the clean painting and antique techniques.

Level Two — Student has successfully organized 4 rubbings but details are not clear in the rubbings. The painting is clean and intensifies the textures. Strong choice of textures makes for a pleasing design.

Level Three — Student has organized 4 rubbings but details are not clear in the rubbings. Painting is completed but color choice is not strong. Poor choice of textures does not make an effective design.

Level Four — Student organizes 4 rubbings but they are not organized strongly. Too much paint hides much of the detail. Weak rubbing techniques.


Students can complete a 12”x12” enlargement of their design using Sargent’s Water Color Pencils. Divide a smooth piece of tag board into four equal squares and copy the textures shapes into the designated spaces. Outline with a permanent black marker. Then, using Sargent’s Water Color Pencils, color each section. Blend each color to match the original foil rubbing. Awesome extension project for older students!

Resources: xture.pdf

Art Consultant
#25-2399 Metallic Acrylic Paint